Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Naturally Made Soaps has now changed its name to Puro Soaps

Do not worry, we still make and sell natural soap, soap cupcakes and soap wedding favors as well as offering a wholesale service.  We have happily merged with our sister company Puro Soaps, based in Portugal.  This means that we are now based in both England and Portugal, have access to all the wonderful natural ingredients found in southern Europe and have joined soap making forces too.

Shelley and Ishbel have both been making soap for a long time, we are equally passionate about what we do and each of us bring special individual skills to the mix as well as our joint love of natural soap and all things soapy.

We have designed a new range of fantastic soaps although many of the old Naturally Made Soaps favorites are still available online.  Please take the time to go to our new website and have a look, click on the link below

We also have an exciting blog with lots of wonderful stories and pictures

and you can also find out more about what we do by following and 'liking' our facebook page

Last, but not least, we have a new email address, our postal address and phone numbers stay the same but you can contact us anytime by emailing

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, we hope you will be amazed and inspired by our new range of soaps and continue to follow us and tell others about us too.


  1. WOW these soaps are awesome!!

  2. Congrats on merging with puro soaps in Portugal. I wish you all the best

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